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Private Investor Loans

 Fill out one free private investor loan application safely and securely.
  • Your Social Security Number is not required.
  • Finish your private investor loan application in 2-3 minutes
  • Get your own Loan Control Center with tools to conduct all of your negotiations until your loan is closed.

  Get the best rate and the terms.
  • Over 3,000 banks, brokers and private investors will have instant access directly to your loan application.
  • If your private investor loan request fits their lending criteria, they can immediately provide you with a "Letter of Interest" and a loan approval.
  • You may receive 4-6 bids. These bids will come directly to your own Loan Control Center with email notification to you.
  • You can compare offers and then choose the best one or negotiate further. View sample results

Mortgage Loan Academy Is Now A Game

Property Value:   $
Loan Amount:      $
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Loan Programs Glossary

Private Lenders and Private Investors. Lending Universe connects you to the largest pool of private lenders on the planet! A private lender from Lending Universe will:
  • Fund loans banks will not touch
  • Act fast
  • Readily look at special situations
  • Look primarily at equity
  • Not care much about credit and income
  • Have cash available to fund at very competitive rates
Get bids on Car loans, Credit cards, Student loans, and any other non-real estate loans.

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