New Game - Mortgage Loan Academy

  • Learn all the secrets that lenders wish you never knew.
  • Improve your loan requests while playing one of the most fun games on the net.
  • Discover the hidden secrets of Credit, Income and Value and how it all fits together regarding your particular situation.
  • Who said getting a loan must be painful? You only suffer from pain and anxiety because you’re missing the truth and the tools to analyze that data.
  • The game will knock out any confusion you have ever had about mortgages and put you back in control.
  • Learn while you play - have fun and save thousands of $$$.
  • Learn the pros and cons of different loan programs.
  • Precisely compare programs and scenarios as they apply to your individual situation.

(3 minute game)

Today: 0
This Week: 0
Your High Score: 94
Your Last Score: 3

Among our registered lenders are: Bank of America, Wells Fargo Bank, Washington Mutual and over 10,000 other banks, brokers and private investors who will have instant access directly to your loan request.

Loan Broker's Confessional

Find out, in layman’s terms, the secrets that lenders and brokers don’t want you to know.

Learn how to get a loan without
losing your shirt.

The information in this report is vital for any person who is shopping for any type of real estate loan. This report may save you thousands of dollars.

Warning: Do not read this report if you don't mind paying higher monthly payments and fees, only serving to support your favorite broker.